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명의개서대리인 : 한국예탁결제원

​부산광역시 남구 문헌금융로 40 (문헌동, 부산국제금융센터)

예탁결제원에 위탁하는 업무는

1. 명의개서업무무

2. 증권발행대행업무

3. 주식배당금 등의 지급업무

4. 그 밖에 제 1호로부터 제 3호까지의 업무에 부수하는 업무

2023.12. 6

신주발행 공고문

크라우드펀딩을 통한 신주 발행을 다음과 같이 공고합니다.

1. 신주식의 종류와 수: 전환상환우선주식 800주 ~ 6,000주(청약 현황에 따라 변동)

2. 신주식의 발행 가격: 1주당 금 50,000 원(자본금으로 계상하는 금액 1주 당 100원)

3. 신주의 발행 총액: 금 40,000,000원 ~ 300,000,000원(청약 현황에 따라 변동)

4. 신주의 인수방법: 크라우드펀딩을 통한 일반공모(회사 정관 제11조 2항에 근거한 제3자배정)

5. 신주의 청약기간: 2023년 10월 31일부터 2023년 11월 16일

6. 신주의 주금납입일자: 2023년 11월 28일

6. 청약취급처: 주식회사 크라우디 (

7. 주금납입처: 중소기업은행 용인서천동지점

8. 청약증거금: 청약금액의 100%

9. 기타

2023.10. 25

대표이사 김영광

Names 19th Acceleration Program Startup

Global accelerator Spark Lab announced on the 18th that it will select nine companies to participate in the 19th startup promotion program and operate the support program in earnest.


RMaterials, a company specializing in eco-friendly energy solutions, provides an efficient power generation system to the renewable energy market by utilizing new materials that can be mass-produced cheaply while reducing the risk of heat generation.

Lotte Engineering & Construction, 
Finds Outstanding Startups Supporting technology development and promoting commercialization

Lotte Engineering & Construction announced on the 7th that it held a "Private Meet-Up Day" event with eight innovative technology startups in the construction sector, including R Materials.

These companies were finally selected at the 'B Startup Open Innovation Challenge 2022' held from September 20 to October 11.

Names 19th Acceleration Program Startup

Global accelerator Spark Lab announced on the 18th that it will select nine companies to participate in the 19th startup promotion program and operate the support program in earnest.


RMaterials, a company specializing in eco-friendly energy solutions, provides an efficient power generation system to the renewable energy market by utilizing new materials that can be mass-produced cheaply while reducing the risk of heat generation.

Names 19th Acceleration Program Startup

Global accelerator Spark Lab announced on the 18th that it will select nine companies to participate in the 19th startup promotion program and operate the support program in earnest.


RMaterials, a company specializing in eco-friendly energy solutions, provides an efficient power generation system to the renewable energy market by utilizing new materials that can be mass-produced cheaply while reducing the risk of heat generation.

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